Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Newborn Specialty Sessions

I am pleased to announce that I will be offering newborn specialty portraits- at your home, in the studio, or outdoors!  I have actually always offered this to customers, but unfortunately, it hasn't picked up like I had hoped it would.  Now that I am a mom, I love to experiment with newborn posing and settings, so I am really encouraging new parents to consider these unique sessions.

Some of the best portraits are taken in the first 2 weeks after a child is born.  They sleep so much and this makes it easier to pose them.  There are tons of unique images we can create- the "stork" sack, "pea in the pod," cute hats, and the list goes on and on. 

If you are expecting a child, plan ahead and schedule one of these fun and unique sessions for your newborn!  I can be reached at 662-305-5687 or via email at